We are auditioning for the 2025-26.
Fill out the Audition/Enrollment Request form below.
(Afterschool Rock n Roll Program open to all students in Las Vegas ages 10-18). Coming at the end of March. Click here for more info.

Please read each section thoroughly to get a full understanding of the expectations and guidelines of the RAPA program. At the end of this page, click on the Google Link to sign the Agreement Page.
We started RAPA to provide a place where young people with a passion for music education can thrive and develop. That’s what sets us apart from other music schools. Our students come with a common interest in learning and performing music. We’ve established a culture of acceptance that is steeped in caring for one’s individuality, beliefs, and what each person brings with them. It is with this expectation that we strive for learning and teaching, accountability, and excellence, both from the students and instructors. RAPA is not a place where behaviors and attitudes that compromise our mission is accepted nor tolerated i.e. bullying, egos, fighting, bad attitudes, etc. We believe that an environment catered towards students with a common thread (passion for music education) allows for creativity and risk-taking without having to constantly deal with negative behavior. With that said, any and all interactions or incidents that compromise RAPA’s mission will be dealt with immediately and resolved in an appropriate, fair, and just manner.
We believe learning is a lifelong process. Everyone learns differently and at different paces. That is the lens through which our instructors look through as we prepare each student for success. It is an expectation for each student that they enter our doors with learning in mind, regardless of what level they are at. In other words, students should leave their egos at the door and have a mindset of continual growth and development. Our instructors come with years and decades of education and experience that will ultimately be passed on to the students. We expect students to be good listeners and be receptive to constructive feedback and critique. Students that exhibit an egoistic attitude will be reminded of our expectations with the hopes of curving that behavior and/or attitude. The goal is to have all students grow in their craft through hard work and humility.

We believe learning is a lifelong process. Everyone learns differently and at different paces. That is the lens through which our instructors look through as we prepare each student for success. It is an expectation for each student that they enter our doors with learning in mind, regardless of what level they are at. In other words, students should leave their egos at the door and have a mindset of continual growth and development. Our instructors come with years and decades of education and experience that will ultimately be passed on to the students. We expect students to be good listeners and be receptive to constructive feedback and critique. Students that exhibit an egoistic attitude will be reminded of our expectations with the hopes of curving that behavior and/or attitude. The goal is to have all students grow in their craft through hard work and humility.

During the interview/audition process to be accepted into RAPA, we vetted each student for their attitude and behavior. Needless to say, we would not have accepted a student if they exhibited a poor attitude or behavior. As poor behavior is not a major issue at RAPA, we still hold high expectations for each student to exhibit positive behavior and attitudes. If a student is not meeting this expectation, the student will be conferenced with by a RAPA instructor with intent of eliminating the poor behavior. However, if the behavior persists, the student will be referred to the Delta administration with a behavior referral. Continual behavior that compromises their standing in RAPA may lead to removal from the program.
Students are expected to be present and on-time everyday. This is a valuable work ethic that they’ll bring with them into their professional lives once they leave RAPA. Students that are consistently present and on-time to school perform better academically simply because they are there to participate in the learning. Suffice to say, when a student is absent or tardy, they miss out on the teaching and learning in real-time. Specifically in RAPA, when a student is consistently absent or tardy, their grades will be negatively impacted as well as their casting on songs in Masterclass, and ultimately for performances. We do not have entitlements or privileges in RAPA and if a student is consistently absent or tardy, they will have their castings limited regardless of how much they contribute to the overall sound of the band, i.e. lead singer, lead guitarist, etc
All Delta students are required to wear their assigned uniform everyday. This policy is an effective way for the staff to identify our students from visitors and/or trespassers on campus. RAPA students are assigned red T-shirts, collared shirts, or hoodies with the Delta and RAPA logo on them. If a student enters the campus without their specified uniform, they will be considered out of dress code and referred to the Delta administration for resolution. During cold months of the school year, students are not allowed to wear jackets over their assigned shirts. They may wear jackets to school; however, once on campus, the student must take it off so the assigned shirt is visible. Students can layer heavier clothing but it must be underneath the assigned shirt. Parents may purchase uniforms from www.campusclubuniforms.com and enter the RAPA code 1099.

RAPA Class Schedules

Conservatory Fees
Conservatory fees are a common addition to most music conservatory programs across the country. Conservatory fees support the program by enriching the overall student and campus experience. The fees will be contributed to the following, but not limited to:
Instruments - class sets of guitars, basses, keyboards, and drum sets
Vocal equipment - microphones, stands, headphones, in-ear monitors, pop filters
Instrument gear - amps, pedalboards, tuners, picks, cabinets, PA head, cords, DJ equipment, drum thrones
Technical gear - mixing board, recording software (Logic Pro, Ableton, Pro Tools), cables, cords, monitors, subwoofers, speakers, iPads, music stands, lighting, video boards
Guest rock-industry practitioners - bi-monthly guests
Performance venue rental fees
Student rewards, awards, and recognition materials
Upkeep and maintenance of instruments and equipment
Consultant fees for performance show i.e. mixing and tuning of audio/video
The conservatory fees may be paid through the following arrangements:
One (1) payment in full of $1000 in August 2024
Two (2) payments of $500 (August 2024 and February 2025)
Four (4) payments of $250 (August 2024, November 2024, February 2025, April 2025)
Ten (10) monthly payments of $100 starting in August 2024 through May 2025
​Other options include:
Scholarships (as available, pending at this time)
Sponsorships (family members, acquaintances, etc.)
Fundraising - opportunities through the school or private sources
Referral of potential students to enroll in RAPA/Delta
Community Service
When students get involved in community service, they not only help others — they expand their worldview, develop empathy and leadership skills, and realize how their actions can have a positive impact.
personal and interpersonal development.
leadership and communication skills.
reducing stereotypes and facilitating cultural & racial understanding.
sense of social responsibility and citizenship skills.
commitment to service.
academic learning.
Some community service opportunities include, but are not limited to:
YMCA of Southern Nevada, Discovery Children’s Museum, Springs Preserve, Dosomething.org, American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, The Humane Society, Key Club, Meals on Wheels, Best Buddies, Sierra Club
Opportunities that will happen throughout the year via RAPA include, but are not limited to: Life By Music Run (Man a water station, encourage runners, help at the RAPA tent, clean up after the event), Three Square, Clean up at Mt. Charleston, Wetlands, Red Rock, Runs in the community, local hospitals.
Minimum Requirement: 25 hours a year which breaks down to about an hour a week
Time can be done during the summer (if not a senior) or during breaks such as Fall Break (1 week), Winter Break (2 weeks), Spring Break (1 week)
Those who are seniors now can earn credit towards a special cord to wear during graduation 25 hours minimum requirement.
Those who are juniors now will need to complete 50 hours in two years to wear the special cord.
Those who are sophomores now will need to complete 75 hours in three years to wear the special cord.
Freshman will need to complete 100 hours in four years to wear the special cord.
Side Note: The service hours are a great addition if applying to college and scholarships
We have plenty of quality instruments, gear, and equipment at RAPA. Students are welcome to use said instruments during the day and to check out instruments (if available) throughout the year. Students are also encouraged to bring their own instruments if they feel more comfortable playing their own gear. They can store them in one of the studios during the day and take them home at the end of day. Drummers are required to have their own set of drum sticks, as RAPA does not stock extra drum sticks. We expect students to treat the school’s equipment as if it were their own. The instruments and equipment are made of quality and are expensive. We would like to have them around for as long as possible.
Please visit the following URL which takes you to a Google Form for the Acceptance Declaration: